The Infirmary Department at AKMIS attends different health complications that arise throughout the school day at all times trying to offer the best care to the learner´s needs.
The school is developing and we are having more learners. It is therefore essential to abide by more strict code of behavior than in previous years. This is to make sure that the infirmary department upholds a high levelof safety and excellence of service.
General welfare functions:
To attend learners who suffer an accident or discomfort.
In case of emergency or serious illness, parents will be contacted for the need to transfer the learner to the doctor or hospital depending on the severity.
To administer pain killers or other medication, only if they are authorized by parents. For that, the ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINES IN SCHOOL AUTHORISATION sheet must be filled.
Managing chronic treatment, prior interview with the mother/father of the learner.
Meetings with parents to exchange information and resolve doubts regarding health issues at school.
Health education. Talks aimed at all levels and adapted to the different ages of learners.
o Mild accident: small accidents, scratches, abrasions, bruises, will be treated in nursing without any formalities but parent will be informed immediately after the accident.
o Moderate accident: bumps, sprains that require radiological evaluation or wounds that require stitches, the first care will be done in school while parents are called to take the learner to the nearest possible hospitals. Failure to locate parents or guardians, authorized contact person will be located.
o Major accident: If a vital emergency where prompt medical attention is required, such as acardiac arrest , open fractures , severe asthma crisis or severe allergic reaction ,simultaneously the following actions will be performed ;
School will call 999 to activate the emergency protocol to send anambulance, if the medical valuation so determines.
First aid will be given and prescribed medication will be administered as long as it is authorized by parents.
We will contact parents or guardians to report what happened and inform them of which center the learner will be transferred so that they can get there as soon as possible. At all times the nurse will accompany the learner until parents arrive.
Chronic illness; that requires or may require treatment during school hours. An interview with the nurse providing medical documentation is required.
Acute illness; that requires, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, inhalers or any medication prescribed by a physician for a few days. It is obligatory to give;
Medical prescription or a copy.
Drug administration authority sheet to school, fully completed.
The medication in its original container.
Common illness;
In case of vomiting, diahorrea, fever, influenza and flu, otitis and /or abdominal pain: an initial assessment by the nurse will be made. If the child requires medical assessment, parents will be contacted to pick up the learner.
In case of headaches or minor discomfort, medication may be administered with prior communication and authorization from parents. The evolution of learner will be observed and they will either return back to the class or if there is no improvement, the nurse will contact the parents to pick up the learner.
Head lice or nits; parents will be called immediately to pick up the child.
Copy of the prescription. Name of the learner, dose and duration of the treatment must be specified and signed by the doctor.
Administration authorization form signed and correctly filled in by parents. No medicine will be administered without these requirements. Medication that parents have bought on their own, without direct written prescription, pediatrician or learners doctor, will never be administered. The infirmary cannot accept responsibility for uncontrolled medicines.
The medication must come in the original container with the name, last name, course, dose and days of treatment. During treatment the medication will remain in the custody of the infirmary, once this is over, it will be returned to parents or discarded.
At NO time must the learner have medication in their possession. Parents or guardians will deliver medication to the infirmary or secretary. If the learner travels by bus, the adult in charge will take the medication.
Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any suggestion for the better service of the infirmary service in the school.
Thanks for your collaboration.